Motor traders to notify DVLA when a motorist has sold their vehicle into the motor trade
Earlier today DVLA launched a private Beta of its latest digital service. This service is the first to be delivered as part of the suite of vehicle management services. This is an important and exciting first step on the journey to digitise DVLA's vehicle management services. While you’ve been able to tax your car online for over 10 years, the process of telling DVLA you’ve bought or sold a used car has been purely paper based.

So what will the user experience be like and how will it differ from today?
Currently, if you sell a vehicle you have to tear off a slip of paper (notification of sale: V5C/3) from the V5C registration certificate (logbook) to send to DVLA by post. A couple of weeks later you receive notification from DVLA that you’re no longer the keeper of the vehicle and no longer liable for tax, or worse, a speeding fine if someone drives too quickly when your name is still down as keeper!
Under our new online service, when you sell your vehicle into the motor trade the dealer will, with your consent, be able to tell DVLA that you’ve sold the vehicle to them. This will update DVLA records the same day. This means that you’ll be eligible for a refund of vehicle tax, if any is remaining, and you’ll no longer be registered as the keeper of the vehicle. You don't need to send the tear off slip from the V5C by post to DVLA. You’ll still receive a notification in the post from DVLA confirming you’re no longer the keeper of the vehicle and the vehicle record has been updated.

Customer insight
Customer insight to date has been overwhelmingly positive. The majority of motor traders we’ve spoken to are more than willing to undertake the service on behalf of the customer as part of the service they offer. Interestingly some traders say they’ll set up self serve points to allow the vehicle keeper to notify DVLA themselves, providing assistance and support where needed.
Initially the private Beta will be limited to 15 traders, ranging from the very small independent dealer selling 10-15 cars a month, to dealers processing 20,000 or more. We’ve also included different types of users from auction houses to specialists in truck and bus sales. This small but diverse pilot group will provide us with valuable real life insight before the launch of the public Beta later this year.
We'll keep you posted on progress on the Beta via this blog and also use it to update you on the next set of vehicles services being delivered early next year.
Comment by Steven Howard posted on
When this tool is launched, will local authorities be notified which trader the vehicle has been transferred to if it continues to receive Parking Penalty Carge Notices following the transfer. A standard keeper enquiry would be made via the Elise system, what information would be returned.
Comment by Rohan posted on
There's no change to the current system. The dealer details are not updated onto VSS so this will not be available to Local authorities unless they apply to see a copy of the V5C3 in which case, for this web service, they will be given a copy of the source record.
Comment by Grant Hamilton posted on
Best wishes to everyone involved in this. Slow update or no update of vehicle keeper is one of the underlying reasons for a large volume of avoidable contact from our customers. Previous keepers getting tax reminders, DVLA fines, local authority fines and correspondence as well as new keepers of the vehicle who have not been able to tax or get residents parking permits quickly or complete personalised number transactions. A lot of this failure demand will go away with a quick update of vehicle keeper and anything that enables this is welcome. Roll on the roll out!
Comment by Evan Brin posted on
I like to catch up with paperwork when I get home in the evenings and over the weekend, will I be able to work from home or does it only work in my office?
Comment by Rohan posted on
Hi Evan, yes you will be able to use it at home when it goes into public beta although initially the service will only be available during trade hours (exact times to be published soon) and you must only enter details with the customer’s consent so will need that first. Thanks Rohan
Comment by andrew harris posted on
i used this new system to tax my vehicle in november and have had no recipt or reply for my car tax since so i dont even know if my vehicle is taxed or not ?
Comment by DVLA digital comms team posted on
Hi Andrew, You can check if a vehicle is tax using our online service. Thanks
Comment by Bryan Richard Conway posted on
Will tax my vehicle, on line, as I believe that this system, will be a huge improvement / timesaver.
The D.V.L.A. need to concentrate, on a 24 hour turnaround, I.E. System update in 24 hours.
Then a lot, of customer's, will be happy, Me for one.
Even if it means Night shift. Get on with it.!