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How to renew your driving licence online if you’re 70 or over

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[English] - [Cymraeg]

Once you reach 70, you must renew your driving licence every 3 years. If you’re 70 or over, or will be 70 in the next 3 months, you can easily renew your licence online.

Our online service is convenient, quick and secure. According to figures released last year, more than 60% of customers over the age of 70 chose to renew their licence online. So why not join them?

Here’s why you should renew online, and how to do it…

70 or over and due to renew your driving licence?

Why should I renew my driving licence online?

Renewing online is easier and quicker than paper – there’s no fiddling about with forms or postage. If you apply online, your licence should arrive within one week.

It’s also free! That’s right – there’s no charge to use our ‘Renew at 70’ service on GOV.UK. So avoid any third-party websites that charge premiums for DVLA services. These sites charge a fee to pass a driver’s application to DVLA, but they are not affiliated with DVLA and often charge for services which are cheaper or free on GOV.UK.

So always use GOV.UK to renew your licence – it’s the quickest, easiest and most secure way.

Our online service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Three months before your licence is due to expire, we’ll send you a reminder to renew. If you want to change your licence photo, you can do this at the same time as renewing your licence online, if you have a valid UK passport.

How to renew your driving licence at 70

To renew online, you need:

  • an email address
  • a valid UK passport (if you want to change the licence photo)
  • to be a resident of Great Britain – there’s a different service in Northern Ireland
  • addresses of where you’ve lived over the last 3 years
  • your National Insurance number (if you know it)
  • to not be disqualified from driving

Once you have everything you need, simply:

  1. Visit or, if you wish to use the Welsh service, visit
  2. Read the information on the page and click ‘Start now’.
  3. Complete each stage of the application process – reading the information on each page and filling in your details where required.
  4. Check your details are correct and click ‘Submit now’.

Once you’ve completed your application, you will receive an email to confirm it has been submitted. Make a note of your application reference number, which you can use to track the progress of your application online.

You may be able to continue driving while we process your application if you meet certain criteria. Read the guidance leaflet ‘Can I drive while my application is with DVLA?’ to check if you can continue driving.

If you want to renew a C1 (medium-sized vehicles) or D1 (minibus) entitlement, you must do this by post.

What our service users say

Here are some comments from customers who’ve used the online service.

“Renewed my licence, 70+ in September 2020. It was so simple and quick. Recommend anyone to use the GOV.UK website to renew.”

“I applied online, everything worked like clock-work; extremely easy procedure.”

“The system was easy and friendly to use when I renewed at 73 years old.”

“No complications in completing the application, and the new licence arrived within a few days.”

So there you have it! If you need to renew your licence at 70, it’s quick, easy and secure to do it online. And free!

We have many online services available on GOV.UK. For the latest information about our services, sign up to our email alerts. You can also join our online research panel to help us improve our services.

[English] - [Cymraeg]

Sut i adnewyddu eich trwydded yrru ar-lein os ydych yn 70 oed neu’n hŷn

Unwaith y byddwch yn 70 oed, rhaid ichi adnewyddu eich trwydded yrru bob 3 blynedd. Os ydych chi’n 70 oed neu’n hŷn, neu’n 70 oed yn ystod y 3 mis nesaf, gallwch chi adnewyddu’ch trwydded ar-lein yn hawdd.

Mae ein gwasanaeth ar-lein yn gyfleus, yn gyflym ac yn ddiogel. Yn ôl ffigyrau a ryddhawyd y llynedd, dewisodd mwy na 60% o gwsmeriaid dros 70 oed adnewyddu eu trwydded ar-lein. Felly beth am ymuno â nhw?

Dyma pam y dylech adnewyddu ar-lein, a sut i wneud hynny…

70 oed neu'n hŷn? Amser adnewyddu eich trwydded yrru?

Pam ddylwn i adnewyddu fy nhrwydded yrru ar-lein?

Mae adnewyddu ar-lein yn haws ac yn gyflymach na phapur – does dim angen trafferthu gyda ffurflenni na thâl post. Os gwnewch gais ar-lein, dylai eich trwydded gyrraedd o fewn wythnos.

Mae hefyd yn rhad ac am ddim! Mae hynny’n iawn – ni chodir tâl am ddefnyddio ein gwasanaeth ‘Adnewyddu yn 70’ ar GOV.UK. Felly osgowch unrhyw wefannau trydydd parti sy'n codi premiymau am wasanaethau DVLA. Mae’r gwefannau hyn yn codi ffi i drosglwyddo cais gyrrwr i’r DVLA, ond nid ydynt yn gysylltiedig â’r DVLA ac yn aml maent yn codi tâl am wasanaethau sy’n rhatach neu am ddim ar GOV.UK.

Felly defnyddiwch GOV.UK bob amser i adnewyddu eich trwydded – dyma’r ffordd gyflymaf, hawsaf a mwyaf diogel.

Mae ein gwasanaeth ar-lein ar gael 24 awr y dydd, 365 diwrnod y flwyddyn. Dri mis cyn y daw eich trwydded i ben, byddwn yn anfon nodyn atgoffa atoch i adnewyddu. Os ydych am newid y ffotograff ar eich trwydded, gallwch wneud hyn ar yr un pryd ag adnewyddu eich trwydded ar-lein, os oes gennych basbort y DU dilys.

Sut i adnewyddu eich trwydded yrru yn 70 oed

I adnewyddu ar-lein, mae angen:

  • cyfeiriad e-bost
  • pasbort y DU dilys (os ydych am newid ffotograff y drwydded)
  • bod yn breswylydd ym Mhrydain Fawr – mae gwasanaeth gwahanol yng Ngogledd Iwerddon
  • cyfeiriadau lle rydych wedi byw dros y 3 blynedd diwethaf
  • eich rhif Yswiriant Gwladol (os ydych yn ei wybod)
  • peidio â bod wedi’ch gwahardd rhag gyrru

Unwaith y bydd gennych bopeth sydd ei angen arnoch, mae dim ond angen gwneud y canlynol:

  1. Mynd i neu, os dymunwch ddefnyddio’r gwasanaeth Saesneg, mynd i
  2. Darllen y wybodaeth ar y dudalen a chlicio ar ‘Dechrau nawr’.
  3. Cwblhau pob cam o'r broses ymgeisio – darllenwch y wybodaeth ar bob tudalen a llenwi eich manylion lle bo angen.
  4. Gwirio bod eich manylion yn gywir a chlicio ar ‘Gyflwyno nawr’.

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cwblhau eich cais, byddwch yn derbyn e-bost i gadarnhau ei fod wedi'i gyflwyno. Gwnewch nodyn o gyfeirnod eich cais, y gallwch ei ddefnyddio i olrhain cynnydd eich cais ar-lein.

Efallai y byddwch yn gallu parhau i yrru tra byddwn yn prosesu eich cais os ydych yn bodloni meini prawf penodol. Darllenwch y daflen ganllaw ‘Gaf i yrru tra mae fy nghais gyda’r DVLA?’ i wirio a allwch barhau i yrru.

Os ydych am adnewyddu hawl C1 (cerbydau canolig) neu D1 (minibws), rhaid ichi wneud hyn drwy'r post.

Beth mae defnyddwyr ein gwasanaeth yn ei ddweud

Dyma rai sylwadau gan gwsmeriaid sydd wedi defnyddio’r gwasanaeth ar-lein.

“Fe wnes i adnewyddu fy nhrwydded, 70+ ym mis Medi 2020. Roedd mor syml a chyflym. Rwy’n argymell y dylai unrhyw un ddefnyddio gwefan GOV.UK i adnewyddu.”

“Fe wnes i gais ar-lein, roedd popeth yn gweithio fel clocwaith; gweithdrefn hynod o hawdd.”

“Roedd y system yn hawdd ac yn gyfeillgar i’w defnyddio pan adnewyddais yn 73 oed.”

“Dim cymhlethdodau wrth gwblhau’r cais, a chyrhaeddodd y drwydded newydd o fewn ychydig ddyddiau.”

Felly dyna chi! Os oes angen ichi adnewyddu eich trwydded yn 70 oed, mae'n gyflym, yn hawdd ac yn ddiogel i'w wneud ar-lein. Ac am ddim!

Mae gennym lawer o wasanaethau ar-lein ar gael ar GOV.UK. I gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ein gwasanaethau, cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein rhybuddion e-bost. Gallwch hefyd ymuno â'n panel ymchwil ar-lein i'n helpu i wella ein gwasanaethau.

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  1. Comment by Clive John Mitchell posted on

    82 and using this service since I was 70.
    Have never had any problems
    Hope to use for any more years

  2. Comment by Malcolm Brooke posted on

  3. Comment by Phytos Perdios posted on

    Very clear to understand and easy to execute the Renewal. Definitely I'll use this method, instead of filling in forms and sending by mail. Thank you DVLA.

  4. Comment by Mick posted on

    Thats great thanks I did wonder how to do

  5. Comment by Philippa Pace posted on

    It did not work for me as I do not have a passport

    • Replies to Philippa Pace>

      Comment by Rachel Thomas posted on

      Hello Philippa, thank you for commenting on the blog.

      If you are using our renew at 70 online service you do not need a passport unless you need to renew your photograph.

      If you need to renew your photograph and do not have a valid UK passport, you can still apply online and you will be sent an application form through the post to attach your photograph and return to DVLA.

  6. Comment by Doreen Parker posted on

    Personally had renewed my driving licence since this ervice was first introduced, which was quite a bit different then. However its the easiest and most uncomplicated way to renew .

  7. Comment by James McNab posted on

    very well presented the above info will cut out the sharks out there ripping
    people off good info and secured