View vehicle record
Last year was another great year for DVLA's digital services. More of you than ever before chose to apply online for the documents you need to get on the road safely, quickly and easily. Saving yourself time and money.
Matt Lewis, DVLA Chief Architect, provides an update on DVLA's latest exciting development in the world of voice skills.
Hi, in my first blog I talked about my new role as a Vehicle Enquiries service designer. It’s been four months now and I’m learning more each day about our users’ requirements and when they’re most likely to use the …
Last month Emma Steele (Vehicle Enquiries service designer) and I were invited to 2 British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA) forums. BVRLA regularly hold forums with their members to discuss any issues and share experiences within the rental and leasing …
Hi I’ve recently taken up my new role as a Vehicle Enquiries service designer. I’ve worked for DVLA for 11 years, in our Contact Centre, starting off as a telephone advisor and moving on to operational management, to coaching and …
We’ve done it! View Vehicle Record gets its ‘Live’ badge - meeting the Government Digital Service (GDS) Live standard. Companies on DVLA’s fleet scheme use the View Vehicle Record (VVR)...
...into public beta helped raise the profile of DVLA’s Fleet Scheme, resulting in many companies expressing an interest in joining up to experience the benefits. The service is free to... overview of the project, which has been delivered using ‘agile’ methodology, the group were joined by Peter van der Merwe (technical architect lead) and Linda G Davies (VVR project... many of each make and model vehicles they have in their fleet. This replicates information shown on the V5C registration document. With access to VVR fleet operators can then...
...Transport. On 16 February we arranged for third party stakeholders, who rely on the documentation we produce, to attend hourly slots during an event in London. Attendees included: local authorities...